
Thursday 16 March 2017

Extra Marital Affair

One of the most destructive weapon against marriage is ‘extra marital affair’. So why cheat knowing the imminent is heartbreak and pain which may also lead to divorce?

Let us start with defining what Extra Marital Affair is: 
1. Being in violation of marriage vows; adulterous: an extramarital affair.
2. Having to do with a person other than one's spouse: an extramarital friendship.

The aspect we want to deliberate upon is when does extramarital affair really start.

This is going to be a very interesting. 
Drop your opinion on when, how and why Extra Marital Affairs occur. Please subscribe to start receiving updates.

Tuesday 14 March 2017


In-depth: detailed and thorough.

As much as in-depth research or undercover investigation is very germane to journalism it can be very costly; I am not talking about money here. It can be costly because someone usually gets hurt, sometimes even the investigator could be caught up with the whole shenanigan.

I am getting too deep and involved; I already made enemies which I never intended. I really regret this but it was worth it for this project. This we are sure will help every couple that cares to take some time out to work on their relationship. These efforts we have put in getting this facts should help direct your attention to building your marriage no matter how bad it is already. No man or woman outside your marriage is worth giving up on your marriage for.

'Marriage became very important to me when I almost ruined mine after cheating on my wife; we went for canceling and found out how we both played a part and contributed to this regrettable act. However, nothing she did was enough excuse for me to cheat on her. Thankfully, one good thing came out of the mess, it revealed a lot to me about the pains cheating delivers to couples and made also made me become an agent for ADAMAS- to research why married men/women who cheat'. Call me - ADAM 007.
We will be sharing our findings from investigations and stories from men and women who have volunteered to share their escapade. We also decided to investigate one or two singles who date married men/women. If information about this had been revealed prior the investigations, it will not be objective since it will be from our own perspective. We apologize if any of the subjects ever get to see this but promise that no name, chat or video will ever be released. This is only meant to discourage extra marital affair; it is for the good of all.

All discussions related to this topic will be restricted to blog, we would not want minors to be involved. We need first hand information and contribution from matured minds.

Stay connected.

The saying “romance begins in the kitchen” may seem odd to someone unmarried but it sure makes sense to people who are married, especially to the just married. 

In the beginning of a marriage, romance may mean flowers, candlelit dinners and lots of love making whenever the mood strikes. Unfortunately, as time passes, romance takes on a different look. It more often looks like helping with dinner rather than going to dinner; planting flowers side by side in your home’s garden rather than bringing a dozen long stem red roses home; or lightening your spouse’s load a bit so he has the energy to have sex after a long day rather than stopping whatever you’re doing to have sex whenever you want.

Once couples become predictable and so comfortable with each other, life becomes a routine and that makes the marriage boring. They forget how to have fun and add spice to their marriage to keep it fresh and exciting. 

When your spouse tells you he or she is bored and losing interest in being married, take it seriously and do not ignore the situation.

Friday 10 March 2017

CONGRATULATIONS Mr. & Mrs Ikenna Ezeoka ; 5 years and still counting

'Happy Wedding Anniversary love. God blessed me twice with life on this day 5 years ago. It's been a lovely ride ever since. We, I and our children, appreciate you so much. May God continue to keep us and bless us till eternity. I love you loads'