
Wednesday 7 September 2016

HaPPy AnniVersaRy Mr & Mrs Kayode

But for the Lord who has been on our side;
But for His Spirit,our constant guide;
But for His Grace and Mercy through life's Ocean's tide;
There would have been no where,no where to hide!
4 years ago I took a giant stride!!
Walked down the aisle with this lovely bride;
God's Bespoke gift to me,Banke,my one and only pride;
And ever since,over us His blessings has come to abide;
There were moments we laughed and also cried;
When the realities of the journey could just not be denied;
But we were helped to see that what He has joined together no foe can divide;
We overcame,and we're still overcoming, through the Greater One on our inside!!
And so to the One,who's banner of Love over us is infinitely wide;
The One, on whose's grace we daily glide;
The One who has promised to keep us from fall and will not allow us to slide;
Be overflowing gratitude, as we face the future with every need already supplied!!!
Happy anniversary my love,my forever bride!!! 

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