
Monday 30 January 2017

Adamas congratulates Mr. & Mrs. Victor & Venessa Oluwole

10 years after, hmmmmm! 
Firstly, what a lucky Man I've been! Thanks to ‘Eledumare’ for being there for us through the great times and the tumultuous times of the last 10 years, it's been a great journey and I'm glad you're part of it babes.
I guess I'm now qualified to advise younger couples, especially the guys.
The secrets of these wonderful ten years are simple
1.      Be aware of your God given role over her
2.      Pretend you haven't seen or heard anything that provokes anger, including the rolling eyes directed at you. She wouldn’t be a woman if she praises you too much or doesn't become verbally aggressive sometimes.
3.       Know when to be mute; don't get yourself in trouble through your own mouth.
4.      You can't win any argument so don't try to, you'll only shout in vain.
5.      Never tie her down, let her fly; your sanity depends on this.
6.      Be a good listener even when she wants to gossip about anything.
7.      Be kind hearted and loving this is like a fragrance to her; she can smell this like a perfume.
8.      Cook your own meals more times than often, be concerned if she cooks too much; she wants to run you out of shape so you're less attractive.
9.      Do the house chores no matter how busy a man you are, you won't have to shout every time.
10.  She's your sister, don't mistreat her.- Victor Olusegun Oluwole
12 years with Victor - we've weathered the storms and we are still standing because God's grace
abounds. Thank you Lord for the peace, joy & happiness we experience always. To the next' 
12*12 years in love 😍😍😍- Vanessa Oluwole

Friday 27 January 2017

Adamas congratulates Mr. & Mrs. Boye Oni, Happy Anniversary

💖💖The Journey Started 22 years ago💖💖

Learn to ignore and overlook many things if you truly want happiness in life because the easiest way to a miserable life is to think that everybody is talking about you. Never allow anyone to steal your joy from you. What people say behind your back is none of your business as long as you are true to yourself. Never worry yourself about that. Sometimes minding your own business does not keep people out of your business. No matter your situation in life people will always talk. You can never stop people from talking about you, what you can do is to stop giving them what to talk about. There is a time limit for every rumor in life. Never allow freelance broadcasters put your life on hold. Do what makes you happy. 
Anyone who cannot feel your pain, has no right to judge you in life. Seventy percent of those who talk bad about you behind your back, wish to be like you. When people can't be like you they try to bring you down and condemn what you have. Those without money will sarcastically say money is not everything in life. (Is poverty anything?) Never allow anyone to put you in a position of depression and self pity in life. Those whose life has no joy will always find every means to remove happiness from other people's life. 
If there is the GRACE of GOD in your life, then enemies are inevitable. If no one has ever gossiped or talked bad about you, it means nothing good has ever happened to you. Never feel bad when old friends become new enemies. They are just tired of pretending to be friends. Never allow the opinions of people who didn't see your tears stop your laughter in life. You don't owe anybody an explanation to be happy. 
Never see yourself through the eyes of those who don't value you. To be beautiful means to be yourself. To stand out is to be out-standing. You do not need to be accepted by others. You just need to accept yourself. Never beg anyone to accept you for who you are. Anything you acquire through begging will require begging to maintain or retain.

Be humble but selective. Being selective doesn't mean you are arrogant or proud. It simply means you know your worth. If you are conscious of your personality avoid too much familiarity. Sometimes when you treat people too much like celebrities, they end up treating you like an ordinary person. You are equally important. Never downgrade yourself while trying to upgrade anybody in life. Anyone who sees you like an option doesn't deserve to be a priority in your life. The dream of a fool is for everybody to become a bloody fool like himself. Avoid negative people if you have a dream. Those without mission will say your vision is just an illusion. Negative minds will never give you a positive life. 
Anyone who is always reminding you about what is wrong with you has a personal problem which he/she wants to take out on you. Most people spend half of their entire life analyzing the faults in other people's life, when their own lives need urgent repairs. Never worry yourself about enemies and friends, because everybody in your life will eventually fall into one of the two categories. Some will hate you and some will love you. Loving you or hating you are both in your favor. 
When people love you, you live peacefully and happily in their hearts, and when people hate you, you become the landlord in their head living painfully in their brain everyday and giving them sleepless nights.- Realone

Thursday 26 January 2017

Adamas congratulates Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Ogidan, Happy Anniversary

Happy 6th wedding Anniversary
'Another year to discover new things to enjoy about each other. Another year to strengthen a marriage that defines forever.Another year to create precious memories together. Thank you for being there for me always. I love you more than life itself and i’m so thankful that we met. My world’s now filled with sunshine, how much better can it get. You have made me a better person by loving me for who I am. Happy 6th wedding Anniversary'-Titilayo Ayomide Ogidan


Wednesday 25 January 2017



Tuesday 24 January 2017

How to Know if Your Partner Still Loves You

Let's Talk
Do you Know 
if Your Partner 
Still Loves You?

How do you Know?

Adamas congratulates Mr. & Mrs. Wuraola, Many more years together in Joy.

💖Wishing you many more years together💖
Celebrating God's faithfulness and marital bliss with my Ayoteminikansoso, Olowo ori mi, ade ori mi, the father of my quartet on our wedding anniversary. God is indeed faithful. At almost 2 decades. Our love is renewed and fresh like the few of the morning- Kunbi

Monday 23 January 2017

Do men nag?

We usually talk about a nagging wife and act like it's a gender thing. I am about concluding that men don't nag; proof me wrong now or forever remain silent. Drop your comment or share your experience about men who nag.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Is Your Marriage in Crisis?

A marriage crisis typically occurs when an unusual amount of stress or unresolved conflict causes the level of anxiety to become too intense for the couple to manage. As a result, anger, resentment, dissatisfaction, frustration and hopelessness take control of the relationship. The couple typically continues the negative interactions – or disengages completely from one another, and the relationship shuts down. I call this the boiling point or marital meltdown in the marriage. It is usually at this place in the crisis process that a couple calls seeking help from a counselor, minister, friend or family member. Some counselors define a marriage crisis as a marriage where one or both partners desire to end the marriage.
Every day, you're faced with a broad variety of challenges and trials. Individuals and families are constantly exposed to news about natural and man-made disasters such as domestic violence, terrorist attacks, abuse, rape, workplace accidents, crashes, military conflicts and weather-related disasters. The emotional, physical and spiritual responses that follow a crisis are often more than most people can manage alone.
People in crises such as these need others to help them – including counselors, pastors, police officers, social workers, Red Cross workers and others to intervene in their lives. The same applies to a marriage crisis. You must be open to others' help.
But what exactly is a crisis? How does crisis affect people? What are the short- and long-term effects?
Based on personal experience and knowledge, the definition of a crisis that I prefer is: "any situation or stimulus that causes high levels of emotional anguish or disparity in individuals, and which leaves them feeling helpless, out of balance and out of control."
Crises are capable of wounding us deeply, no matter what or who causes them. Some of the most destructive and devastating traumas are those caused or created by those we care about most: our family and friends. An example of this type of hurt could be a marriage where an affair has occurred. The emotional and social pressure on the wounded partner is far-reaching and undoubtedly long-term. There is nothing that causes more emotional pain in a marriage than to be betrayed by someone you love, depend on and trust.
I am convinced that the emotional scars and wounds that occur in families are some of the most unpleasant and damaging on the face of the earth. Crisis is difficult in and of itself, and even more so when it is caused by people whom we care for.

If a crisis has occurred or if problems have become unmanageable, you have a right to feel upside-down. Your entire life has changed in an instant. Your body, mind and emotions are thrown out of balance. You probably need outside intervention and help.
On the positive side, a crisis can lead to a solution. It can become the bridge that moves you from pain to a new beginning.
Two symbols represent the concept of crisis in the Chinese language: danger and opportunity. In the ancient Greek language, the word crisis comes from two root words: decision and turning point. These symbols and words most accurately describe the underlying compositions of crisis: danger and opportunity, decision and turning point. By

Tuesday 17 January 2017

How to Deal with a Nagging Wife

Nagging is a frequent complaint of married couples.It is a cycle of behavior that usually starts if one party feels nagging is the only way to get what he or she wants. If your wife's nagging is getting to you, there are various ways to cope. In the moment, stay calm and respectful and, if necessary, disengage. In the future, however, work on addressing big picture issues and making small changes with the goal of cultivating a happier, more harmonious household.

indication your marriage needs help

Destructive Patterns

Do you find you continue to follow the same destructive pattern? If you continue to experience a problem, and the same reactions surface repeatedly, it's likely you need outside help. Doing the same thing will only net you the same result. It is extremely easy for a couple to get into a perpetual rut. The only way to get out of a deeply rutted pattern is to change course and responses. Calling an experienced Christian therapist could be the first step to pull you out of the rut.
Some patterns can be altered without outside intervention. For example, a wife may consistently complain and nag as soon as her husband walks in the door from work. If she is made aware of this unconscious habit, she could easily become motivated to break it. Simply learning to give her husband a few minutes to unwind after arriving home may also precipitate a willingness on his part to respond to his wife's requests more promptly. - By

Sunday 15 January 2017

Indications Your Marriage Needs Help


Prolonged withdrawal is always a dangerous sign. Withdrawal in a marriage indicates that one or both of you have reached a point of such intense pain that you can't function inside the relationship any longer, so you withdraw physically or emotionally. The natural result of withdrawal is a downward spiral into an apathetic state where you simply don't care any more. Communication, sex, affection and other normal relational necessities become nonexistent.
Ongoing withdrawal is one of the most difficult states a married couple can be in or get out of. As long as there is some type of interaction, including healthy arguments, there is still some level of concern or care in the marriage. But when one or both withdraws, it's a sign they have given up.
Counseling is typically needed to redirect the couple to the basics and start over to rebuild the trust, concern and emotion vital to the growth and functioning of a healthy marriage. Remember that just because you have tried counseling before, there is no reason not to try a different type of program or counseling in the future.

Indications Your Marriage Needs Help

Extramarital Affairs

The discovery of an affair is one of the darkest and most painful moments in marriage. The emotional damage and accompanying symptoms that take place after an affair are monumental. There is no hurt or pain like the pain felt by a betrayed spouse. The emotional pain and intensity reflect the experience of an extremely traumatic event. Shock, denial, anger, depression and other emotions are normal. When this level of hurt occurs, you need to get professional help. After an affair, most people can't go through the healing process successfully without outside intervention. You experience thoughts, feelings and spiritual challenges never felt before.

Saturday 14 January 2017

Indications Your Marriage Needs Help

Emotional Problems

If you or your spouse begin to experience problems such as ongoing anger, depression, anxiety, abnormal stress, guilt or biochemical problems (i.e., bipolar symptoms, schizophrenia, paranoia or other psychosis), help is needed. Emotional problems are often reactions and responses to something being out of balance with your spouse or in the relationship. Until the core problem(s) is properly addressed, the presenting problem(s) and emotional disturbances will keep reoccurring. One emotional problem left untreated can lead to more serious problems. For example, unhealthy anger can lead to severe depression. Until the anger issue is addressed, the depression will likely continue.

Congratulations Mr & Mrs Olatunde Olugbenga

Eleventh years today (11 years) what shall I say unto the Lord. All we have to say is thank you Lord.. Thank be unto God who is the reason behind our Testimonies today. As depends on Him for the Greater things ahead . Join me sing hallelujah- Olatunde Olugbenga

Indications Your Marriage Needs Help

Sexual Problems

Because sexual dynamics in marriage are so personal and so much a part of biblical oneness, this area of your marriage should be nurtured and protected. If sexual problems are persistent in your marriage, avoiding or ignoring them will not make them go away. Sexual problems can lead to more severe problems, such as a spouse seeking alternatives for having physical or emotional needs met. The Internet, pornography Web sites and online chat rooms are all breeding grounds for more problems.
As eating properly is essential to good physical health, healthy sex is vital to good marital health. Don't ignore sexual problems in your marriage.

Friday 13 January 2017

Indications Your Marriage Needs Help

Physical Abuse
If physical abuse is taking place in your marriage, the first concern is safety. If you are being physically abused or threatened, get to a safe place. Don't remain in a situation where you are likely to be hurt again. Contact your local abuse hotline or the police. Though you may think what is occurring is justified, and you don't have any options, don't believe it. Physical abuse is never justified or normal. There are always options and people who can help you.

Substance Abuse

Most addiction problems in marriage – such as drugs, alcohol, gambling and pornography – cannot be solved by the addict or the spouse alone. Treatment for the specific addiction is a complex and long-term process. Most people cannot just stop an addictive behavior. It will not just go away. It requires professional help and ongoing accountability. Ongoing counseling and inpatient treatment is often required to effectively deal with an addiction. It can quickly destroy a marriage, so don't try to deal with it on your own.

ADAMAS- Diamonds Are Forever

Celebrating your wedding anniversary should be like it's your wedding day all over again; come to think of it, is it not? Diamonds are forever and so should your marriage.

Indications Your Marriage Needs Help

The Present Compared to the Past

A very practical, commonsense indicator that you need counseling comes from comparing the way your marriage used to be, to the way it is currently. In the beginning of marriage, most couples spend a great deal of time together, serve one another, compromise on differences, communicate and solve basic problems. Yet time, conflict and the stresses of life have a way of squeezing out healthy habits. A marriage cannot survive without a regular dose of basic nurturing.
If these practices were once commonplace and are now extremely rare or nonexistent, your marriage is likely struggling. All relationships become sick or eventually die without these basic ingredients being added to everyday interactions. By

Thursday 12 January 2017

Indications Your Marriage Needs Help

Children's Behavior

 Another indicator involves your children. Their behavior can often provide a barometer of what is occurring inside a home. You and your spouse may believe that the current level of interaction and health in your marriage is okay and just the way it will be, but your children may sense that something is wrong and needs to change.

Young children often react to marriage problems through abnormal behavior. They begin to act out at school, around friends or even at home. The same is true of teens, who will often react to trouble at home by becoming involved in activities or with people that are out of character. Teens typically attempt to deal with the stress of an unhealthy marriage in unhealthy ways. Teen behavior and attitudes often provide a means of medicating their pain.


Befriend to be friends

There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage. – Martin Luther


Wednesday 11 January 2017

Indications Your Marriage Needs Help

Input From Family and Friends

If your family or friends recognize that you have a problem that needs addressing, pay attention. People outside your marriage can often spot a serious problem before you can. Family members and friends often have intuitive hunches or become concerned about your relationship based on behaviors or attitudes you may manifest. Listen carefully if someone says, "You guys need marriage counseling."- By

How did it get to the level where family and friends started discovering that there is a problem with your marriage? Sadly, you cannot ignore what they say, you shouldn't encourage them either. 

The first problem to deal with is not the problem discovered but the fact that it is already getting out and getting noticed by others; every marriage experience one problem or the other at one time but when it takes someone out there to start telling you about your own problem then that is a serious problem. It is either your spouse is sending the signal for help since he/she could not communikcate with you. 

This can be very counter productive and dangerous. No one knows you better than yourselves and this makes the contributions meant to help you uninformed. Go back home and sort yourself out. 

Congratulations Mr & Mrs Adejobi Adedamola Adeyemi

Wedding anniversaries are special. Every year the important date comes and it celebrates a new set of 365 days that the couple has spent together. Of course, as not all days are the same, these 365 days consist of good and bad moments. During the good moments, the couple rejoices and thanks almighty/destiny that brought them together. On the troubling days, the couple remembers the marriage vows – how they should stay together and help each other survive the bad time. In this way, the 365 days pass. God bless your new year together.

'Wow! it has been 14 years of your love and I bless God for sending you my way. you have been my source of strength and joy. may God keep continue to keep us together forever. Olusolami, my best friend whom have endured all my excesses and has stood by me in all times of trouble, Success, and all. I will Love you over and over again. HWA to us my heart. Come to think of it we need to do one more baby ooo for the road. Love u loads'- Adejobi Adedamola

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Indications Your Marriage Needs Help

When Your Marriage Needs Help

Every marriage experiences problems. No matter how long you have been married – whether one year or 40 years – you will have problems. Marital problems can be extremely intense and painful, and those hurts can cut deeply and last a very long time.

The pain caused by someone you care about as much as your spouse may be very difficult to deal with. Most of us have preconceived ideas about how our spouses should treat us. We expect mistreatment from other people, but not from our spouses. Just remember that as human beings, we often think, feel and behave in ways that are hurtful, even toward those we love. Flawed people treat each other in flawed ways; so no matter how much we care, we'll sometimes hurt each other.
Your marriage isn't doomed because you hurt one another, have difficulty communicating or have disagreements over important issues. Couples have been experiencing and solving problems on their own – beginning with Adam and Eve, and continuing to this day. The more experience and maturity a couple develops in a marriage, the more success gained in managing and solving problems. God created us with the ability to successfully manage relationships in a healthy and productive way.
Ask other couples what it took to build a strong and successful marriage. Rest assured that their strong marriages did not develop overnight. They experienced some of the same problems you have. One reason their marriages are strong today is that they were committed to the idea that no matter what obstacles they faced, they would learn to manage their problems and overcome crisis on an ongoing basis.
As you read these articles, please understand that the principles we're suggesting are not intended to deal with every problem that couples deal with in marriage. We especially don't want to imply that you should remain in a situation where your safety or the safety of your family is at risk. If you are in a relationship where your spouse displays any of the following signs, please seek help immediately:
  • Physically abusive
  • Displays symptoms of a significant mental illness
  • Has a major chemical imbalance
  • Threatens the safety of you or your children
These are not simplistic issues and cannot be dealt with by simply reading a book or talking to a friend. Seek professional help immediately.

Intensive Marriage Counseling

If your marriage is suffering from more than one of these indicators, you might want to consider a personalized and intimate marriage counseling program.
Thousands of marriages, situations as complex and painful as yours, have been transformed with the help of professionals who understand where you are right now and care deeply about where you and your spouse wind up in the future.


Saturday 7 January 2017

Happy Anniversary Mr & Mrs Joshua Adediran Adedeji

What a wonderful way to celebrate the 21st wedding anniversary
Pastor John Hagee, Pastor Matthew Hagee and the leaders of Cornerstone Church praying over Dupe and I as we celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary earlier today.


Friday 6 January 2017

Happy Anniversary to the Ogo-Uzodikes

Happy 22nd years Wedding Anniversary to this Power couple, Pastor Ogo and wife Isabella our beloved Gospel Minister,
we wish you both more grace.

Asked to share the secret to their thriving marriage, the Ogo-Uzodikes shared the following seven principles (7 Ps) as some of the principles they practice daily:
- Prefer one another above all others
- Prioritize God and family
- Protect your relationship from negative influence and interference
- Provide a safe and trusting environment for growth & learning
- Profess your love for each other often
- Praise each other regularly privately and publicly
- Pray together

Congratulations to the Ogo-Uzodikes!

Thursday 5 January 2017

Happy Anniversary to all our January couples

Happy Anniversary!
After many years
Pleasure is a golden hillside,
Passionate and still.
Your bedrooms and your hands are free,
After unshed tears;
Now much of life is tucked away,
No longer touched by will.
In your hearts a wilderness,
Vast and undisturbed,
Empty of all sentiments
Renews the moment’s glory.
So may years of tenderness,
Also sung unheard,
Radiant beyond all sense
Yet tell love’s ancient story.

Our Love

Congratulations Mr & Mrs Toyin Owolabi

 There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage. – Martin Luther

9 years and still waxing stronger
HWA to us. 
Thank you my heartthrob for filling in all the gaps, my missing rib. 
You are indeed a blessing from God. 
Love u plenty

Congratulations Mr & Mrs Paul Olutobi

It's 5 years already!

There have been times when upon life's billows we have been tempest tossed; the times we have been discouraged but we never lost hope but held on to the Word of the Voice that spoke to us ahead of time and during the storms.
Today, by the grace of the Lord who has been with us all along like a mighty terrible Warrior, we look back and count our many blessings and name them one by one. And indeed, we are surprised at what the Lord has done!

Thank you JESUS! 
Thank you, my preciously beautiful wife of inestimable value who rocks my world, Moyosore Feyipitan Feyisara, my Sunshine!

Happy Anniversary to us!