
Monday 4 July 2016

Celebrate Mr & Mrs Mark-Mordi

Happy19th Wedding Anniversary from ADAMAS

19 and still Counting
19 years laid to rest...year 20 fully loaded and ready to be lived together again useful to God and our children, loving each other in our own peculiar way.
There are a lot of things I thank God for being married to Mark Mordi and I will share only 3.
1. He married me, and is committed to staying married to me. As a result in my days of immaturity he stood his ground and in the process taught me the law of priority and how to fight for what matters.
2. He knew my value before I even realized that heaven had endowed me to be a Blessing to the earth. Therefore, he prayed, spoke and gave of his resources and still does to ensure I become me. In the process he taught me how to believe in me and arise in confidence. He insisted that my wings were for flying, pushed me to fly and is happy to let me fly. He is my biggest cheerleader.
3. Thirdly and most importantly, he believes in God and takes joy in worshiping the God of Heaven. In setting this example I see first hand every day what a life dedicated to God looks like and therefore makes it easy for me to prove my love for God by my commitment to His call. Mark believes that the Word of God works and I believe him.
Of course, neither of us is perfect, we are both very flawed but we are committed even in our imperfections and that's what makes us together great. I cannot promise to never be angry with him, I cannot even promise that I won't disappoint him once in a while and I doubt he can promise that. However, I can promise that if Jesus tarries we will be here together at 40 to say thank you and not pretend through it.
Marriage is how I learn to live powerful and purposeful and I dare say I have had the best study mate for me.

Happy anniversary MM, you are a REAL Man and I love and celebrate you. 

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