
Sunday 25 December 2016

Happy Wedding Anniversary Mr & Mrs Oyeleye

'Love seems the swiftest, but it is the slowest of all growths. No man or woman really knows what perfect love is until they have been married a quarter of a century. A successful marriage isn't the union of two perfect people. It's that of two imperfect people who have learned the value of Forgiveness & Grace. Please join us for our silver jubilee celebration of 28yrs union & 25yrs of marriage'-Dolly Oyeleye


Thursday 22 December 2016

Isn't this lovely?

Is anything too much to give to keep your marriage interesting and alive?

It cost a lot more fixing a broken home than the little you could have sacrificed to sustain the bliss and the spark that your marriage deserves.
Consider a vacation for 2017.
We could help plan one.

Monday 19 December 2016

Happy wedding Anniversary Mr & Mrs Tojuola

13YRS ..MY GOD....... 


Sunday 18 December 2016


Yours, mine or ours?
Discussing money or finances is not a topic couples like to discuss. It can lead to a fair amount of stress in even the best relationship. 
You and your partner may be considering opening a joint bank account but neither of you wants to suggest it. You worry it may generate some misunderstandings in the future and you would not want to be the one blamed for suggesting the idea.
Is this enough reason for a couple not to explore the benefits of this account?

Joint account is not so different from a standard account, except that the two of you own the account. You pay shared household expenses such as mortgage, car payments, utilities and groceries from the same place. Withdrawing cash, writing checks and making online payments from one account also allows both of you to see how the money is being spent, you budget together as a couple.

Joint accounts helps to plan and save toward shared goals or projects such as a new home, a vacation, a household project or a new car. 

This may be one of the greatest gift a man can give his wife. A joint bank account can be a convenient way to handle day-to-day transactions or take care of loved ones. But opening a joint account, has potential pitfalls as well. Rights of ownership is one drama that often crops up during marital discord. Another pitfall is the rights of ownership when couples are no more and the children do not agree on equal sharing rights.

So, is the joint account good or bad?

Please drop a comment.

Saturday 17 December 2016

Happy Wedding Anniversary Mr & Mrs Evans Ogboi

Celebrating 5 years of God's faithfulness. Only Jesus could have done this. People of God, help us thank this God for His goodness.
Happy anniversary my darling Purist Evans Ogboi
Love you forever.

Tuesday 13 December 2016


Believing the best about your spouse is a personal but very important choice you have to make whether there is a reason to believe the best or not. Love believes the best, not because there is any good enough reason to do that, in the midst of that hurt and betrayal, yet you believe.
During one of my counseling session, a woman cried and complained so bitterly, ‘my husband is the worst man on earth, and he doesn’t love me and doesn’t care about the children anymore. Sometimes he goes away for days and comes home without any explanation or apology.’
It is absolutely impossible to believe the best when there no reason at all to encourage you to do that. Believing based on what you see or hear, or how you feel, yes it is impossible.
Let go of the hurt feeling and ask God to heal and comfort you. Begin to treat them as if they are the best thing in your life.
Believing the best based on what you are hoping to see or what you desire to see in your relationship, yes I can say it is possible.
A great question to usually ask when you are in conflict or hurting is: ‘Am I trying to prove that I’m right and hurting or do I want to see this relationship saved?’ You cannot do both at the same time. Sometimes we are simply supposed to love, simply supposed to walk by faith and not by sight.
Hold yourself together in the midst of that pain and decide that you must move forward in your love walk. Your spouse may have hurt you, yes, but choose to believe the best because you are trusting God for a change and that change will happen.
Do not fret or get anxious if no change is coming quickly, keep believing, keep speaking words of life to your life and to your spouse.
Ask God to help you look above and beyond what you are experiencing, so that you can only see the best.
Surely, there must be one tiny, little good thing about your spouse, dwell on it and don’t let their bad side take your eyes away from the good. It is a battle and good will always win.
Make the choice today to always believe the best.

Kalu Igwe Kalu 
A world renowned Marriage Mender 
Author of Marriage is Beautiful

Congratulations Oluwafemi and Tolani

💖💖💖 Mr & Mrs Olaleye 💖💖💖
Since 10-12-2016

Monday 12 December 2016

Happy Wedding Anniversary Mr & Mrs Rotimi Oluseyi Adegboye

The journey is still very young, enjoy your day and many more years together in good health and wealth.

'Thank you God, its 8years today when we both said 'we do'; but it seems like yesterday. Thank you lord for everything you have done for us through this journey'.  -Rotimi

Happy wedding Anniversary Mr & Mrs Ajidagba Oluwaseun

Our anniversary celebration might not have the colorfulness of flowers, grandeur of fireworks or the thump of loud music. But it has the colorfulness of our memories, grandeur of our love and thump of our hearts beating for each other forever. Because when i go overboard with my attitude as the head of the house, you balance it with sanity & calmness. But the moment I bring cuteness to our marriage, you always smear it with elegance. When I bring smiles to our marriage, you always enhance it with eternal joy. Our anniversary today love of my adult life is not meant to be a reminder of a long journey. It is meant to be a mark of good times that lies ahead of us. Once again thanks for accepting all my excesses in the last one year. Happy Anniversary Darling (Oyindamola Susan Ajidagba)

Happy wedding Anniversary Mr & Mrs Rasheed Bolarinwa

'On the birthday of Rosulilai (SAW), we also marked 18 years of our Nikkhai( Marriage) and over 26 years of friendship with my one and only soulmate, wife and friend, Jummy who has shown incredible love, understanding and tolerance over the years and given me wonderful kids. Peeps, help me thank Allah for his guidance on this matrimonial journey. And my wife for her support and abiding faith. May the years ahead be full of bliss! Love you All' -  Rasheed Bolarinwa. 

Happy wedding Anniversary Pastor Abimbola and Pastor Mrs Folu Komolafe

Today marks the 24th wedding anniversary of our wonderful Pastors Pastor Abimbola Komolafe & Pastor Folu Komolafe of Jubilee church Manchester RCCG . Please join us to celebrate the beauty of God in their life.

Sunday 11 December 2016

At what age is a woman ripe for marriage?

You can partake in the poll  by clicking on one of the age brackets (To your left of the image below); At what age is a woman ripe for marriage?

Less than 20
20 - 25
25 - 30
Above 30

Friday 9 December 2016

The Ripe Age for Marriage- by Dallin

When are you really ripe for marriage?

Have you ever been given the advice that you should wait to marry until after 25, or maybe even as late as 30? Would you give that same advice to someone else?
Chances are, most of us have heard at some point in our lives that getting married too young is a recipe for disaster. And when it comes to basic divorce statistics, such wisdom seems to be supported. But what is too young? Is there really something magical about 25 years old?
According to Norval Glenn at the University of Texas at Austin, 25 years does make a significant difference in the success of marriage, but it may not be in the direction you think.

The Best Age

In his study, Glenn argues that one of the main reasons we are seeing a large incline in the average at at first marriage, approaching 30 for men and 28 for women, is consistent findings in research that the risk of divorce continues to drop with age. Teen weddings are clearly not supported. And since 30 year olds show a lower risk of divorce than those younger than 25, wouldn’t we agree that we should be waiting to marry until at least 25?
But we are missing something. Glenn notes that so much of the research defines marital success as simply the lack of divorce. But how many of us want to define marriage that way? I don’t know about you, but I would rather be happy as well. And according to Glenn, the best age for happy marriages is actually between 22 and 25 years of age.

more at 

Written by: Dallin, Master’s Student in Marriage, Family, and Human Development reviewed by Brian Willoughby, Ph.D.

1 Peter 3: 1- 8

Finally, be ye all of one mind

1 Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;
While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.
Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;
But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.
For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:
Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.
Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.
Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous:

Just 'ABUSE' him


Yes I mean it. A wife should learn to ABUSE her husband; it is allowed.
But like I gave directives to men on how to 'BEAT' their wives, I must balance the situation by teaching wives on how to ABUSE their husbands.

Please follow my directives to get it right and he will love you more. My own wife do abuse me and I liked her for it and I always look forward to the next time she will do it.

The right way to abuse your husband are as follows :-
A-    APPRECIATE HIM to increases his value.
B-    BELIEVE IN HIM and fully submit to his headship.
U-    UNDERSTAND HIM, he is a MAN and not a WOMAN.
S-    SUPPORT HIM because behind every successful man is a woman, support until he succeed.
E-    ENCOURAGE HIM always. A man needs encouragement not FRUSTRATION

*Do you understand me now?

#Reverend Edward Koye-ladele

Thursday 8 December 2016

Happy wedding anniversary to Pastor and Mrs Seun Osigbesan

Double thank you to God form the 'Seun & Seun'. 
May God continue to bless your home.

Congratulations Mr & Mrs Oladimeji

A lovely composition to a darling husband...

Thank You Jesus it's another 365days with u Hun, just like yesterday, AV loved u for 4years,48months,208weeks,1461days,35064hrs,2103840minutes,126230400seconds I love your smile, your eyes,your hair, your voice,your smirk, your teasing, the way u talk, d way u say my name,your singing(choir master),your dance moves(I think I dance better sha😜) your teasing and honestly I love u even more when u r so angry makes me laugh hard😄.Guess ,what am not done cause we still have forever to go👫 we would be so old and wrinkly without teeth den may our jokes still b funny n love feel ow heart Cing Gods abundant glory and blessings in ow lives. I thank Almighty God for His Favour has been upon us. You r a real man and ur true love has shown in d size of smile u put on my face and ow children am indeed blessed amongst women to have u all to myself 😍. Though through d yrs,we AV had ow fair share of the great and not so great moments of Marriage Bt through it all, ow love has grown even stronger and I love u even more today. Thank u darling for loving me and always aving my back😍😍💋💋HWA Honey 


Congratulations Mr & Mrs Banjoko Ebenezer

Together Forever

 💖  'Its been 9 wonderful years of marriage. All thanks to my guardian angel turn wife Oluwatoyin Olajide-Banjoko. I love you then, l love you still, always have,always will. You are surely irreplaceable. Thanks for everything'- Banjoko Ebenezer💖


Wednesday 7 December 2016

Before You Say I Do

If you are within or around Ibadan then you should attend before you say 'I do'. 

Congratulations Mr & Mrs Ademola Adedeji

Happy Wedding Anniversary to us!!!
'It's been 9 years of God's faithfulness to us and we are still counting. There have been days of joy and also days of sadness; we have tasted scarcity and we have also known abundance; we disagree, and even disagree to agree; we have learnt what it means to wait, and patiently wait on God for the fulfillment of His promise. In hard times, rather than broke down, we broke forth, broke through and will continue breaking forth and breaking through. We stand tall, stand strong and stand together, because the Strength of Israel is our Strength, Hope and Anchor. I celebrate you my wife, Ibukunoluwa Ayotunde Maryann... Just looking at the initial of your names I can see I A M. Wow, you are truly a precious gift from 'I AM that I AM' to me; and I praise Him for making our path to cross and for keeping us together. You have known joy, but you shall soon see the joy that will dwarf the ones you have known so far. Great things are breaking forth, and the world will gather in celebration of this couple'

Congratulations Mr & Mrs Abiodun Sherif Olopade. May the Lord grant you both peace, love and Longevity

 💖 'Wow 9yrs today.. It's been God's grace all the way... I'll choose u again and again Ebun Temi @jummyemi'     
  Sweet words from MC Abbey to his one and only babe of life. ADAMAS Celebrate you.

Tuesday 6 December 2016

BEAT your spouse to it.

💖 Those Simple Things Count 💖

Be The First To Do Something Nice,
BEAT Your Spouse To It. 
Make Today a Special Day.

Share the experience here on the blog.

Yes you can BEAT your wife

Yes, BEAT your wife I said, and I'm very sincere with that. It is OK to BEAT her once in a while, but if you are the aggressive type then go ahead and do it every time, she is your wife. Yes, I do BEAT my own wife; to do the same you must follow my directives. 

This is how I 'BEAT' my wife.

B-   Believe in her, Beg her when she is angry or sad.
E-   Encourage, Engage and Entertain her.
Appreciate and Assist her in doing house chores.
T-   TANTALIZE and Treat her as a queen.


#Reverend Edward Koye-ladele



Doctrines are teachings. A critical point about teaching the real word of God is that it challenges, impacts and transforms the one being taught [Romans 12: 1-2]. At the impact of God's word, your spirit is engaged immediately, but transformation (metamorphosis) of the mind is a continuous process. The Word of God challenges your traditions and cultures that are contrary to God's commands.
In doctrine on marriage there are critical points to note:
One Flesh: This is the relationship that must happen only between a husband and his wife; not between a man and his mother, father, children or anyone else. God's Order of Priority: In God's priority list, God expects us to put Him first. You and (if married) your wife should be next in line. Then, your children, and the church and work come thereafter. Many Christian ministers wrongly equate the church with God, and put the church ahead of their families, thereby neglecting their homes. Ministers of God must note that their families come before church, in God's order. God has not called any minister to service in order to break up his marriage. The congregation should also be gracious enough to allow the pastor prioritize his family, and should emulate the pastor in prioritizing their own families as well. Being “One flesh” with your wife is not selective. It should encompass all aspects of your lives, including your finances. It is not right in God's sight that your spouse has no idea of your finances. Similarly, your spouse's counsel in all areas of your life is important, and should not be ignored or disregarded (Proverbs 27: 17). Many husband, out of pride, have neglected the counsel of their wives to their doom. If you disregard the counsel of your wife, you are already functioning at fifty percent of your capacity.

“Courtship is not for the body, but a soul-searching period.”
Before marriage, take time and make diligent effort to know your intended spouse. It is better (and less painful) to cut off a relationship that will not work at an early stage, than to go into marriage only to keep hurting each other, and with broken hearts. There are godly counselors to help single Christians navigate courtship.
                                                                                                                        PASTOR KOFI BANFUL

Monday 5 December 2016

Congratulations Mr & Mrs Jimmy Ekeolere Ola-Balogun



“There is a connection between married life and Jesus and His Church.”
Marriage is God's idea, not the world's. We should not let the world teach or dictate to us the standards of married life, instead we should obey the rules as set by God Himself. It is untrue that unbeliever marriages do not work, as there are numerous instances of successful and lasting marriages between unbeliever couples, who follow and work hard at maintaining the rules laid down by God in the institution He created before the fall of Adam. [Genesis 2:20-25] tells us how God formed Woman out of Man. This typifies the piercing of Jesus' side that broke His rib, on the cross. When Jesus was pierced and blood and water flowed out of his side, that was the Church. At the beginning of the Church [Acts 2: 41-42] the believers in Jesus Christ continued STEADFASTLY in doing four things:
Apostles' doctrine (Diligent Observance) Fellowship (Friendship) Breaking of bread (Covenant) Prayers (Supplication and Intercession); these items will be treated in details.

Being steadfast is the act of persistence, repeating things diligently, revisiting issues, and going over the contents in your marriage again and again. Continuing steadfastly in your marriage or any relationship requires working hard at the relationship.

Friday 2 December 2016

Congratulations Mr & Mrs Abraham Shoremekun

Happy wedding anniversary.  Unto You oh Lord be all glory, honor and praise. Only You can do these things, there is no one else like You. Father we thank You for bringing us thus far and
also for years to come. We are grateful that 5 years down the line, we are still together.


Good morning, it's another wonderful weekend. How are you and your spouse? Hope you are both in good terms? If not, please address it and fix the relationship before stepping out of the house today.

Relationship is not just about family alone, so that the unmarried or the divorced does not think he/she is excluded from focusing on these pillars [Ephesians 5: 15-24]. 

These present evil days are fraught with errors of the past brought on by past quarrels, blunders, ignorance and wrongs, but through such arrangements as the Family Week Conference, the graphic presentations and delving into the scriptures God makes it possible to “buy back time” [v 16]. In order to be successful in any kind of relationship, you have to submit to one another in fear of the Lord. In church, the congregation submits to the pastors. Patients submit to the doctor. Children submit to their parents. Wives submit to their OWN husbands. The overriding principle is “submitting to one another in the fear of the Lord”.

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Believe The Best About Your Spouse

Believing the best about your spouse is a personal but very important choice you have to make whether there is a reason to believe the best or not. Love believes the best, not because there is any good enough reason to do that, in the midst of that hurt and betrayal, yet you believe.
During one of my counseling session, a woman cried and complained so bitterly, ‘my husband is the worst man on earth, and he doesn’t love me and doesn’t care about the children anymore. Sometimes he goes away for days and comes home without any explanation or apology.’
It is absolutely impossible to believe the best when there no reason at all to encourage you to do that. Believing based on what you see or hear, or how you feel, yes it is impossible.
Let go of the hurt feeling and ask God to heal and comfort you. Begin to treat them as if they are the best thing in your life.
Believing the best based on what you are hoping to see or what you desire to see in your relationship, yes I can say it is possible.
A great question to usually ask when you are in conflict or hurting is: ‘Am I trying to prove that I’m right and hurting or do I want to see this relationship saved?’ You cannot do both at the same time. Sometimes we are simply supposed to love, simply supposed to walk by faith and not by sight.
Hold yourself together in the midst of that pain and decide that you must move forward in your love walk. Your spouse may have hurt you, yes, but choose to believe the best because you are trusting God for a change and that change will happen.
Do not fret or get anxious if no change is coming quickly, keep believing, keep speaking words of life to your life and to your spouse.
Ask God to help you look above and beyond what you are experiencing, so that you can only see the best.
Surely, there must be one tiny, little good thing about your spouse, dwell on it and don’t let their bad side take your eyes away from the good. It is a battle and good will always win.
Make the choice today to always believe the best. 

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary Mr & Mrs Lanre Alabi

14years of God's faithfulness