
Tuesday 6 December 2016



Doctrines are teachings. A critical point about teaching the real word of God is that it challenges, impacts and transforms the one being taught [Romans 12: 1-2]. At the impact of God's word, your spirit is engaged immediately, but transformation (metamorphosis) of the mind is a continuous process. The Word of God challenges your traditions and cultures that are contrary to God's commands.
In doctrine on marriage there are critical points to note:
One Flesh: This is the relationship that must happen only between a husband and his wife; not between a man and his mother, father, children or anyone else. God's Order of Priority: In God's priority list, God expects us to put Him first. You and (if married) your wife should be next in line. Then, your children, and the church and work come thereafter. Many Christian ministers wrongly equate the church with God, and put the church ahead of their families, thereby neglecting their homes. Ministers of God must note that their families come before church, in God's order. God has not called any minister to service in order to break up his marriage. The congregation should also be gracious enough to allow the pastor prioritize his family, and should emulate the pastor in prioritizing their own families as well. Being “One flesh” with your wife is not selective. It should encompass all aspects of your lives, including your finances. It is not right in God's sight that your spouse has no idea of your finances. Similarly, your spouse's counsel in all areas of your life is important, and should not be ignored or disregarded (Proverbs 27: 17). Many husband, out of pride, have neglected the counsel of their wives to their doom. If you disregard the counsel of your wife, you are already functioning at fifty percent of your capacity.

“Courtship is not for the body, but a soul-searching period.”
Before marriage, take time and make diligent effort to know your intended spouse. It is better (and less painful) to cut off a relationship that will not work at an early stage, than to go into marriage only to keep hurting each other, and with broken hearts. There are godly counselors to help single Christians navigate courtship.
                                                                                                                        PASTOR KOFI BANFUL

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